Logan High School Classes of 1940-43 Reunion 
Oct. 12-15, 2000

Class Photos taken at Logan Country Club 

Logan High School Class of 1940

First row: Joe Hall, Mabel Hill-Bowes, Savilla Shipe-Hill, Ruth Hutchinson-Tear. 
Second row: Alex Nagy, Howard McNeely, Bob Schrader, Stewart Glenn.

Logan High School Class of 1941

First row: Charles Carrere, Betty Jo Browning-Fulton, Esbelle Johnston-Cartright, Geraldine Lucas-Smith, Martha Cody, Louie Kovach, Ray Lewis. 
Second row:  Will “Bo” Gibbs, Jay Adkins, George Early, Jim Baker, Peggy Goodwin Harris, Jimmy Whited, Patty Whited, Janet Bentley, John Cosmic, Walter Murray.

Logan High School Class of 1942

First row: Florence G. Browning-Backus-Early, Polly Tuggle-Reynolds, Blanche Endicott-Walls, Jaquie Friel Capaldine, Lorraine Lawson-Dillion, Helen Ferrell-Kosher, Ruth DeHaven, Lucille Smith-Browning, Lou Ann Morris-Browning. 
Second. row: John Drake, Clyde Lucas, Eugene Long, Hampton Haislip, George Pogeza, Sherwood Sherrell, Gordon Ross, Roscoe Thornbury, Carl McCann, Ervin Queen, Elbert Cox, Bob Rose.

Logan High School Class 1943

First row: Richard Cole, Nora Kuhn-Warren, Elenza Neace-Lucha, Joan Dial-Jeffrey, Doris Brumfield-Jarrell, Lita Mounts-Dorman, Eleanor Winters-Cunningham, Joan O’Neal-Cole, Gladys Meadows-Schumacher, Henrietta Cary-Parks, Joe Markham. 
Second row: Jack Robertson, Coleman Hatfield, Robert Carter, Mary Ann Mitchell-Silvestrucci, Myna Jimison-Gardner, Marie Suarez-Mullins, Neil Kuhn Schrader, Maxine Spratt-Gomez, Argue Baisden-Ward, Mark Spurlock, Philip Zeto, Okey McCormick, Clinton Campbell, Bill Epperly. 
Third row: John Marro, Tennis Lewis, Don Ellis, Bill Cummings Wagner, Willis Meade, Pete Beckett, Louie Torlone.

Class photos taken by Creative Photograph / Foto 1 in Logan. To obtain a copy you may contact them at (304) 752-3032. The above pictures are photos of photos and will not download and print well. 

Click here to see photos of Breakfast at the Logan Country Club

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